Sep 16, 2013

Studio 104 Project 1A


It was my first attempt sketching my self portrait and I do really not good in sketching portrait but i tried my best *I think*. I spent few days for the sketching but i ended up tearing my paper due to over-erasing the same place again and again. So i restart it all over again, drawing new lines on a new piece of cartridge paper, and re-sketch my self-portrait. And yay! i did it, by the time I finish my self-portrait, it was already 3am in the morning, and yea, this is life of a hbp-ian. I don't complain much about the late night sleep since i chose it myself. I chose to be in the HBP family. Here's some pictures I've taken.

 I hope the girl in the portrait looks like me. My very first attempt. Please be good to me. (Hahaha)

Sep 15, 2013


Personal Logo

Project 1B : Personal Logo was done by 2 days later after i finished my Self portrait. It was quite a hard time, to come up with logo ideas. I not sure whether the logo is showing my personalities or not but the inspirations did come in midldle of the night, and yes, i finished it by 3am. There is an description written, which is about "GREEN COLLAR". In short description, green collar is someone who works as enviromental-friendly profession and i think as a urban planning student, an urban-planner-soon-to-be, environmental issues are doubtlessly couldn't be ignored.

Unfortunately, I did not hand in this project because i felt that what i did does not support the requirements - Personal Logo. It is more like a logo that represent an urban planner but not me. So i came up with an new idea and i redo a new one.

It is my personal dream catcher. The round part which is also called as willow hoop with net or web inside it represent as a net, it catches my dream. I, myself will be my own dream catcher to work hard for my future.
We are required to use ONLY 3 COLOURS for the personal logo. I chose orange, red and black.
Black are my personal favourite colour, despite the superstitious thinking of most Chinese people where black is an unfortunate colour, i felt that black shows elegant element and also strength, while red colour represents passion, we must have passion in doing everything, it is like a soul-food, to feed us and give us strength to move further. Orange colour brings positive thoughts, it is a very cheerful and light colour and of course, it match perfectly with red colour.